.age - 19
.name - Luke Ryan
.location - South Wales
.games played - Halo 1,2,3,ODST, Wars, Reach, CE-A / CoD 4, WaW, MW2, B-Lops, MW3 / Forza 1,2,3,4 / Crackdown 2 / Borderlands / Fortress Craft / Skyrim / Battlefield 3 / GoW 1,2,3.
.a little about yourself - I'm a competitive gamer and like to win, I also like to play casually every so often, At the moment I practically live on my xbox, and always have my laptop on, I have a few videos on my Youtube channel that I can get a link for so you can see some of my game play on Halo 3.
.where you heard of us - I have the gamer DoG Queen on my friends list and she was talking about the clan.
Thank you for taking your time and reading this, I look forward to a reply.